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96 Well Plate Template – Download Word, Excel, PDF, MAP Free

Do you need a 96 well plate template? If you’re a busy scientist, the answer is probably yes. A 96 well plate is a great tool for performing many different types of experiments, and having a template makes it easy to create one quickly and easily. We will provide you with the 96 well templates in all the formats, and you can download them directly from here and use them in your laboratory!

Why use a 96 Well Plate Template

Using a 96-Well Plate Template allows you to organize all of your experiments and their data cleverly. Ensuring one experiment stays completely separate from another is essential, especially while monitoring similar results. A sensible sifting option to fit any lab’s goals is the Introduction of 96 Well Plate Template. It allows users to easily track any progress or results on a particular strain. This is important in a controlled environment as it reduces the potential for errors during analysis. Primarily designed for cloning, mutant screening, and arraying projects, the Introduction of 96 Well Template supports routine protein expression analysis for uglier, more extensive undertakings. This template can also be a primer tool to record manual, semi-automated, or automated workflows!


15000+ Users Downloaded Free 96 Well Plate Template Till 1st August 2024!

What is the 96 Well Plate Template?

It is a handy reference tool used by scientists and lab technicians worldwide. This template marks out the capacity and layout of a standard 96 well plate in neat rows and columns. Much like baking a cake according to a recipe, it establishes a clear framework for users to follow when preparing liquid solutions for storage or testing. It contains no costs or surprises, as each cell area represents equal projections of hardware configured with a solution fully allocated. Knowing its coordinates allows technicians to operate within an orientated frame that enables good practice protocols in scientific laboratories. This way, scientists can run experiments on various specimens knowledgeably and efficiently, yielding excellent results every time!

Benefits of using 96 Well Plate Map:

Using the Template can be incredibly beneficial for scientists and technicians. Tracking experiments conducted on these plates help you keep conventional standards intact. They provide easy storage for plates loaded with specific reagents and samples, so handling and experimentation accuracy can be improved. In addition, you can use these templates to map out almost any type of experiment using automation features.

The design provides an ability to accurately collect a wide range of data from groups of different plates through transparent manipulation labels facilitating the analysis process without disrupting spatial relations. Besides this, they help deposit samples into well plate devices aiding numerous lab protocols such as DNA transformations, single colonies spotting, and peptide de transferences, providing versatility and operational comfort. All this makes this template the perfect platform for sustainable lab protocols in demanding biomedical research-based workflows.

According to our 12 Years of Lab Experience, these plates provide easy data organization, automation, and the ability to perform multiple orders of reactions simultaneously. They can handle complex experiments accurately, saving valuable repetitions and giving way to further productive discussion.

These results can be seen instantaneously in high throughput screens, which have proved beneficial with therapeutic applications, drug manipulation, and target modulation studies. Controlled precision is crucial during these tests, meaning the appropriate environments for accurate tests can be set up quickly and affordably. Therefore, such plate templates reduce the overall cost of research by making the job faster and more efficient in manipulating reaction profiles in unison.

Lastly, another great benefit that cannot be overlooked is its compatibility with different machines, including lateral flow readers, Pulsar and Curie, which can generate testing parameters according to specified tolerances, paving way greater user convenience every step along the way, allowing users to select choices that best fits their requirements based on advantageous variations offered relatively easy compared before. As a result, combining proper choice criteria provides researchers with a robust communication platform that replicates successful flux across ions describing maximum potential output – something only possible via 96 well plates!

What are the Dimensions of the 96 Well Plate Layout Template?

Dimensions of 96 Well Plate Layout Template

  • Length = 127.71 mm
  • Width = 85.43 mm
  • Height = 14.10 mm

Format of 96 Well Plate Template

  • 12 columns (1-12)
  • 8 rows (A-H) for easy identification of the cells

96 WELL Plate Dimensions

Length127.71 mm
Width85.43 mm
Height14.10 mm
X114.36 mm
Xn113.36 mm
Y111.22 mm
Yn74.22 mm
P9.00 mm
D6.94 mm
Hw (U-Bottom)10.85 mm
Hw (V-Bottom)11.65 mm
Hw (F-Bottom)10.65 mm
Hw (C-Bottom)10.85 mm
Columns (1-12)12
Rows (A-H)8

Where to Download 96 Well Plate Template Online?

96 well plate template is available for download from Our Website in all formats. Many scientific supply companies and laboratory equipment manufacturers provide 96 well plates in single and bulk quantities and 96 well template in various formats, including PDF, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, depending on the user’s preference.

Lab Pro’s Advice: Must Have 96 Well Plate Template

96 well plate templates are incredibly useful tools for busy scientists looking to optimize their experiments and save time. They provide great accuracy, efficient data organization, and automation capabilities that make them perfect for high throughput screening, drug manipulation, target modulation studies, and other scientific research-based workflows.